“Our son was very much a lost soul towards the end of primary school and although the staff at our primary school were immensely supportive they just didn’t have the facilities, time or training to be able to offer him the time and support he needed. He was at an emotional low and we were both very concerned for his future. And then he came to Belgrave, the most amazing school and group of staff I have known. All of you from secretary to support staff, teachers and head teacher have been quite outstanding. You really ‘get’ these children and are constantly working to support and encourage them. You know them as people, their strengths and their weaknesses and their anxieties. You have and continue to give these children a sense of purpose and self-confidence so that they grow and fulfil their potential.
How he has grown over his time at Belgrave (in more ways than one!). He has developed into a confident and self-assured young man and I cannot tell you how proud we are of him. This is in no small part down to ALL of you and you should not underestimate your part in shaping him into who he is today. He is a funny, confident, mature young man and we feel he has the world at his feet. Isn’t this something that we hope all young people will feel at the end of their school life? He will have future struggles and anxieties for sure, but his experiences and support at Belgrave will stand him in good stead for being able to cope with what life throws at him.”