SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) at Allerthorpe School

Our school values the abilities and achievements of all its learners and is committed to providing every one of them with the best possible environment for learning, enabling them to thrive.

Learners are supported holistically to ensure they are able to engage with the broad curriculum we offer, and their own self development. We know that in order to achieve the best outcomes and fulfil their potential, learners need to be in a regulated state and eager to engage with their education.

All learners have a Regulation Support Plan in place, which outlines their specific challenges, and how staff at Allerthorpe can support them to regulate their emotions and actions in order to achieve their desired goals. Learners are involved in creating these plans and in reviewing and updating them as they progress through the school.

Learners are also fully involved in their Annual EHCP Review meeting so they can provide feedback on their education and progress.

We Offer a Number of Therapies to our Learners

Regulation Therapies are in place throughout the day to ensure that learners are in a regulated state to successfully access their learning. Therapies take place in our sensory room or My Space room which are filled with equipment and objects for light, sound, and movement therapy.

One-to-one counselling sessions provides a safe space for learners to talk about and work through their feelings.

Pet Therapy – Animal-assisted therapy can improve learners’ social, emotional, or cognitive functioning

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – a talking therapy that can help learners manage their problems by changing the way they think and behave.

Art Therapy – a treatment approach that integrates psychotherapeutic techniques with the creative process to improve well-being.

Lego/Play Therapy – a social development program that uses LEGO activities to support the development of a wide range of social skills within a group setting.

“Talkabout” –  a social skills development program.

Speech and Language Therapists (SALT) – Learners have access to online speech and language therapy.

SEND Newsletters

SEND East Riding Local Offer Bulletin